Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Team Strong Heart Arrives in Cali!

10:10PM (Central time): Andy Claflin, Team Captain for the 09 Team Strong Heart just reported in after arriving in Oceanside California. He is checked in to the hotel TSH is staying in and reports that the next set of TSH arrivals are only ten minutes away.

The remainder of the squad will pull in in tomorrow to begin final preparations. The race for the team competition starts Saturday. The team has very little time to relax while they get everything ready. Tomorrow (Thurs) they will have to prepare their vehicles and bikes for the upcoming pre-race inspections. That's only part of their preparations. They also have to shop for food, change oil, organize the RV, assign chores and duties, and the list goes on.

Stand by for more as the '09 Team Strong Heart prepares for the 2009 Race Across America!

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